Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sisters Retreat

Last weekend a bunch of sisters from my mission got together. We planned this weekend because Rachel Granja, one of my companions from Brazil is in town this summer and none of us had seen her for 4 years. And Robin flew up from Mesa to join us. It was a much needed vacation. It was so fun to laugh about how crazy our missions were and remember how much they meant to us. I think Taylor thought we just dressed up in our pioneer dresses and made bread, ha ha... I didn't take very many pics, so these are from everyone else. We spent the weekend in Park City- thanks to my parents!

Taking a walk through Deer Valley Resort. Al was a champ. He loved being so spoiled by all of his "Aunts." I loved it to because I had so much help! 

We were able to skype with our mission president and his wife. We love the Ludwigs!

Lunch and games on the porch.

Saturday we went to Park City Resort and did all of the rides and stuff they have going on there. Al, Kaylee, Heather and I rode the lift up and back for the 'scenic ride.' It was beautiful.

Granja and Brink.

Reece and Granja

Getting ready for the alpine slide.

Roasting delicious. Granja thought we were crazy-until I roasted one for her and she tried it:)

Such a good boy on the ride down!

Lizzy let us swap her cars so there was room for all of us to drive up together. It was still a sqeeze and Stagg was a champ to sit in the back. I guess this was her view...haha

We had to stop at Granny's drive-in in Heber. So yummy!

Al has recently discovered 'dips.' He can't get enough of any kind of dip.

Thursday night we threw a mini baby shower for Kaylee. She is having a boy and due the first part of August. Our boys will be just a few weeks apart. She is going to be the best mama!!

Trying the timer. Some good shots here...

Making some good food. We ate alot!

My sweet little boy!

Liz came up to visit Friday afternoon. She left her twins with her brave husband. It was so good to see her!

Heather came Friday afternoon and stayed the rest of the weekend with us.

Friday night a bunch of the sisters we served with came and had dinner. It was quite the party!

Skyping with the Ludwigs (as you can tell these pictures are totally out of order)

Fun at the Alpine slide!

Packing up and ready to go.

Stagg back in her place.

Ha ha yes this is Mitt and Anne Romney. They were at the Sacrament mtg we went to. (Al and I actually didn't go- because we had a nice sleepless night battling some new teeth).

It was such a fun weekend with some of my favorite people in the world. I have learned so much from each of these girls and love them with all of my heart. They are amazing women and lead such powerful lives. I'm so grateful that I was able to serve with each of them and can't imagine not knowing them. 

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