Friday, November 9, 2012

Alexander is 9 months old!

Our little guy is 9 months this week. Time has flown by and we are loving life with Alexander. He is all over the place. He loves to play hide and seek and crawls so fast! He pulls himself up everywhere, especially in his crib when he is supposed to be sleeping! He pretends sleeps when he sees us coming in sometimes, it is hilarious. He also pretends coughing. He loves to pull my hair. He loves taking walks, he sits all the way to the front of the stroller and watches everything. He dances when Taylor turns on the radio or sings. He can mimic notes that I sing. He loves dogs! Our neighbor has a dog and Alexander goes crazy when he sees him. He hates bibs and pulls them off every time. He is getting two more teeth on top, so he slobbers everywhere, he always has a slobber ring on his shirt. He never holds still, but has started cuddling with mommy! He laughs so hard when Taylor whistles. He loves playing patty cake and this little piggy. He is taking 2 naps and sleeps through the night (most nights). He is now taking a bottle and seems much happier. He still loves gogurts- they are his favorite treat. He weighs 22 lbs and the doctor says he is looking great. We just love our little guy and he makes us so happy. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your family pic up top! you are one good looking family and Alexander is adorable in his 9 month pictures and suspenders are awesome!
