Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Al and I have been gone alot the past few weeks, so here are some pictures I have taken in between our little adventures. We got this baby doll in California, and I was keeping it to give to him when baby #2 comes, but he just loves it and is so sweet.

He loves playing outside on our porch. There is a little playground right outside so he watches the kids play. They wave to him and he will just sit and watch. If he hears them outside he asks to to outside to watch. Sometimes the kids in our ward call, "Alex" so we can hear him and he will book it right out there. 

He is such a big boy and growing so much. He learns new words and sounds everyday and loves the sound of his own voice. He can say, Mama, Dadda, Papa, Jesus, dog, side (outside), ball, b-ball, show, baby, baba (bottle), bubub (bathtub), shhhh (shoes) and more. He loves animals sounds, he can say, what a cow, horse, duck, snake, chicken, elephant, lion, tiger, bear, monkey, bird, fish, dog, and more. He also calls himself Za Za, which is what Lilly calls him. He is going to be such a big brother and loves to pat and kiss my tummy when I ask him where baby brother is. We are taking Mommy'n Me swimming lessons right now and he is doing so good. He lays on his back, kicks his legs and floats with my help. He puts his face in the water and blows, and we go all the way under for a second. He loves swimming and gets so excited when we go. 

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